Monday, August 24, 2009


So busy.
There a ton of homework to do, I don't even know where to start. Argh, I hate this senior English project I have to do, it makes me mad just to think about it... an 8 page essay regarding my thoughts about a book. That's a little too much? I don't know, maybe all these work are piling up on me. Somehow, there is an empty void in me. But going to church makes it better.

Rachel is going to college soon, so after 2 weeks, no more chem help. Haha. Oh well, we all have to grow up someday. I want to grow up, but still, I don't want to grow up. I'm gonna get my driver's licence in 4 days, that will be pretty exciting.

I've met some pretty crazy people over here already. Some of them my friends. But i don't get a lot of things the people do here, or even more how they react and think about situations. I mean, as Christians (I'm talking about believers) we know that God created every one, so he loves us all. How can we judge based on morality? Even as we think we may be the premium example for others, it doesn't give us the right to hate upon others who are not like us. Homosexuals, goths, special educated, all have the right to be respected also. Are we allowed to hate when God doesn't hate them? Are we allowed to pass judgement when their time of judgement hasn't come? Are we allowed to condemn when God hasn't condemned? Are we deliverers of wrath, or ambassadors of love? I wanna believe that I am person that loves others, even when they are not like me, or not near perfect. I am not sinless, but their sins do not weigh as heavy as mine. We are all equal, in a sense, God loves us all.

"Judge not that you may be judged. For with that judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." - Matthew 7: 1-3

Lets love one another as God loves us. The biggest thing a person can ever do to another, is to sacrifice. Love, is the package that wraps the sacrifice. Jesus said "For those who are heavy laden, rest upon me." Thanks you Lord, for giving us hope and Love.