This whole week was spirit week, so people had to dress up in certain clothes to show their school spirit. Yesterday, i dressed up as a spartan.
I went to school in a towel as a cape, homemade armor and a head band. After pep assemble, all the guys who dressed up like Spartans went to the bridge to block the lower class men from going to their classes. It was epic! Haha, just like the movie 300. We held on to the bridge with a whole lot of pushing a shoving and shields being destroyed, it was pretty fun although i got injured in the field of battle. Some person stepped on my foot.
At choir, we played sushi tag. Its a game where the is an outer circle of people, and each person has a partner who sits in front of them, its kinda like an outer circle and an inner circle. only one person doesn't have a partner. He/she has to call out 2 people sitting in the inner circle, and the 2 people have to run over to touch his/her hand. However, the catch is, their partner has to do whatever it takes to hold on to them and not let them go. If a partner loses his partner, he has to call 2 people.. so on a so forth. I got some serious rug burn and bruises from wrestling.
We got new people for dive whoo! 4 people to be exact. =)
After dive practice, Tim and I went to the watch the homecoming game... and the football team lost. WHO LOSES THEIR HOME COMIN GAME?!? embarrassment to the max.
I got a ride with Ryan, and going out of school, some truck rear ended the car, and Ryan got whip lash. "Best" part was... the truck drove away... hit-and-run anybody?
So today i woke up at 530 to drive to school at 630. The dive team took the bus with the swim team down to the UofA to attend the Speedo/Nike invitational. I've gotta say, i dove pretty OK. And the judges are sooo corrupt, or maybe they need glasses or something. They didn't call bulks, they gave 0's to divers who certainly did their dives. The judges were Pheonix coaches, so they pretty much gave more points to their team. If a diver from Tucson dived the same dive as the Phoenix diver and with the same form, the Phoenix diver would score more. Any ways, coach understands the situation and I take it as an experience to improve on my form. Its not easy diving.