Its 4 am in the morning.
I just got back from Nightfall! Its October and close to halloween, so we celebrate.
I went to Old Tucson with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Paid to enter, and so there it was, the theme park of horror. Except there were no rides, but 3 haunted houses and 3 shows. It was kinda cool to walk around the park, being greeting by ghouls and zombies. =) People were screaming every where, young girls, big girls, small boys, big boys...
My favorite part of the theme park was the Old Mine haunted house. It had a special part in the haunted house where there was a rotating wheel and a bridge. When I stepped onto the bridge, i felt like my entire body was spinning around and around. Ultimate high, haha. It was so fun, we went back to do it again.
The shows were cool. One of the shows we watched was the hypnosis. The "master" pulled volunteers up onto the stage and slowly began to hypnotize them, and the participating crow also. The hypnosis method was to relax the people. That part, was no hypnosis, it was a form of stress reliever, which i did partake of and felt the tension released from my body. It was great! =) After the shinanigans...boring part.... he commanded the volunteers to do crazy stuff. He made them all believe tissue paper were $100 bills, and told them to hide them in their shirts and pants! Its was hilarious. He could command a lady to pretend she was Pamela Anderson and another guy a shoe thief that literally stole other people's shoes on stage. The show was funny, but I dont think i fully believe in hypnosis. In my opinion and a fair others, the people on stage were acting out and just being a fool on stage to gain attention. I dont know, but it seems a little phony to me. Well, maybe just because im skeptical about such things. The truth is, a person can only become hynotized if he/she allow themselves to be.
So after all that fun, and a whole lot of pictures we went to IHOP for pancakes and headed home. I'm sorry I ditched Marina! But sometimes plans just dont work out as it is, maybe next week.