Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Old Stories Told

Its been a while since I've blogged. To much as it seems, I dont feel the need to blog any longer. Blogging used to be an essential. A place to harbour my feelings and my opinions of the world. It was a place where i could come and place down my thoughts onto a page for every one to see. But now, I dont feel that any more. However, i will continue to blog, because this is my creation. My world.

I feel that the excitment in my life is slowly depleting. Maybe its because im sick. Sick of work, sick in the body...sick. Its the same movement every day. Answering calls, serving customers, doing paper work, the same thing every day. But the good news is that I get to hang out with good friends on and off. Speaking of friends...ROBSON, thanks for hanging out with me bro! I know sometimes you may get sick of it, but really...its always good to hang out with someone that understands you and who you are. And share the same values, such as Christian values,outlooks on life, people, and someother and some rather inappropriate things. But its all good! I have something to be grateful for, and thats you're decision to bring me back to church again. You didnt force nor hate me when i didnt go, or was lazy to go. Although I made the decision my self, I want to thank God for your friendship, and love to bring me to church again. =)

I love God. I love church. I love everything about CHC, except for the past when i forced people to go to church. hahaha, thats right. I said it. I realize that a relationship with God cant be forced. It can only be introduced through love and good concern. =)

I always remind myself that I am blessed, always. No matter what circumstances im in, I can rely on my great pillar Jesus. Going back to CHC only reminded me of my feverance for God. It was truely refreshing to feel the REAl presence of God. No more pretending, no more faking. I just pray that I get things straight, I genuinely want to seek after God's heart. My this may seem a little cliche, but i dont really care what the world thinks. Its just like pastor says when we're worshipping "dont worry about the people on your left or on your right." Im forgetting what people think, I'm just going to worship God my own way, the only realy way i know how.

Peace out

PPeace out for now!