Saturday, November 13, 2010


- From this point onwards, you are just getting older and older, and there is no stopping it. However, its not such a bad thing. Growing older just allows you to become exposed to more things. You are, to simply put it, a talent. The works you do with your hands, the designs you creat are wonderful and creative. I believe you'll have a great future ahead of you. I also thank God for your friendship. In any case, friendship means the world to me, and you know that. I appreciate all that you have done for me, and with me. Thank you for your brutal honesty, you dont see many people out there that will tell you the it is. Plainly said: I Love You bro. HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again.

- Its all written in the card! =) I thank God for your love and voice in my life. If you ever doubt your abilities and talent, just turn and look to me. I am who I am today, partly because of you. Because you invested your time in my life, because you invested your love in my life, I am ALIVE...I am LIVING...I am able to LOVE GOD with all of my heart. My foundation has been built by people like you, who have been a positive influence. I LOVE YOU cuz, stay safe..and never lose sight of the prize God has set ahead of you.